Water Filtration Systems
Essential for Long Bearing & Seal Life

Select or Design an Optimized Filtration Solution for Your Application
There is rarely a single “best” solution for water filtration, as every application demands different levels of water quality at the outlet and also must deal with whatever water condition is found at the inlet. Using proven standard systems and then integrating them with additional components provides the reliability and flexibility required to develop a solution that fits the need.
Standard Systems
Whenever possible, using a standard “skid” mounted system will save time, money, and reduce the complexity often associated with integrating individual components. Thordon’s standard Water Quality Package is a proven & highly reliable system, intended for bearing lubrication and cooling.
Engineered Systems
Customized systems build on the base Thordon WQP and add other components or equipment as required by the site conditions. We can help to design a water filtration system for your shaft sealing or water lubricated bearing application.
Replacement or Repair Components
Let Millstream Engineering help to size or select replacement parts for existing systems that need repair or upgrading.